
I started my Italian lessons with Carlos four years ago and to this day I look forward to my 90-minute lesson every Monday evening. We started from scratch, with “Ciao!”, and here we are today reading full novels, watching movies, and discussing all things from recipes to political affairs from Italy. Carlos’ lessons will take you beyond the necessary mechanics of a new language and they will become a full cultural immersion into all things Italian.

One year after I started, my then high-school-aged daughter got going with her classes (now she is taking advanced Italian in college). A few months back, my wife jumped in as well. The method Carlos has used to teach each one of us has been different and it has adapted to our personal pace and interests. This bespoke approach is key to keep the student interest going strong, which is of the essence in the long journey that can be becoming proficient with a language.

This past summer while vacationing in northern Italy, we had a blast communicating in Italian with the locals, reading the paper or watching the local TV stations. Carlos had even some restaurant recommendations for us. I must admit I feel a bit unashamed as I write such a positive review about someone that has now become a friend. But that friendship is something you are likely going to find along the way with him.

Juan Penelas 

Carlos has been teaching me Italian for a little over a year now, and it has been a pure joy!  I had lived in Italy when I was younger but had forgotten much of what I knew about the language because no one speaks it where I live. Carlos began to patiently bring me back to my former level of fluency and beyond. I have learned things about the language that I never understood before.  We have very interesting conversations in Italian about a variety of subjects: philosophy, theology, cinema, music, contemporary culture, science, and, most importantly, food and wine!  My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting him for dinner one evening, and he brought us one bottle each of homemade limoncello and coffee liqueur! He is a man of many talents. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to study under him, and I look forward to many years of his continued linguistic guidance and friendship.

Bruce Burleson, J.D. Belton, Texas

Carlos is a unique language teacher and it is hard to put into words why it is a desired quality. So we will share our experience.

When we started, we wanted to be fluent Italian speakers. We started in April and that fall we took a trip to Italy. It changed our experience of Italy 100%. We have been to Italy many times, this time we were engaged with Italy! We could read more, hear more and most of all experience more of being in Italy.

This motivated us to sign up for an immersion class in Italy. Due to CoVid, we were delayed for 2 years, however we continued our work with Carlos. At immersion school, we realized we knew more than what was being taught in the advanced class for people studying for more than 10 years.

In the 3 plus years of working with Carlos, we learned it is not about being fluent speakers. What good is it if you can speak, however you can’t understand what is being said to you. It isn’t a matter of hearing, which is difficult as the language has many dialects, it is understanding the construct of the language. We were struck when our immersion teacher said “I don’t hear every word that is said, I hear certain words and I can tell from my understanding of Italian what was said.” Learning phrases may give you immediate gratification, it will not help you learn the language! If you want to learn Italian, invest in working with Carlos. You will not regret the decision, we haven’t! We look forward to continuing our journey with Carlos.

Laura & Frank Lakeway, TX

I started taking classes with Carlos to prepare for a trip to Italy for a friend’s wedding – and I convinced the bride to join me! It would be my second time in Italy and I knew that having language skills would make the trip even more special. After 8 months of weekly classes with Carlos, I had enough of a foundation that I felt very comfortable conversing with taxi drivers, hotel and restaurant staff, and others we encountered on our trip – and that made the experience infinitely more enjoyable and special than if I didn’t have those language skills. Carlos worked with us to tailor our classes to our trip, and spent time talking about cultural norms around weddings that we both enjoyed and came in handy (I left my purple outfit at home!). Carlos is a fantastic teacher but also a wonderful person, so although the wedding has come and gone I’ve continued taking Lezione d’Italiano with him because I so enjoy learning Italian with him.

Emma Pennisi

In 2021, my friend and I reached out to Carlos about taking Italian lessons prior to my wedding in Positano. In just a year, we were able to have essential conversations leading up to and during the event and communicate throughout the trip in Italian.  We wouldn’t have been able to do this without Carlos’ skilled and patient instruction. He is a wonderful teacher and friend. We’ve learned so much already and  look forward to continuing our lessons.

J. Ajluni

My sister, mother and I have been taking Italian lessons from Carlos for almost a year and still enthusiastically look forward to every class. In addition to his passion for languages and genuine, personable nature, Carlos’s skill as an instructor lets us progress as a group while also focusing on our individual learning aptitudes. He gladly shares his knowledge of Italian history and culture and provides valuable links to great Italian food, music and theater. In less than a year, the three of us can communicate with each other in Italian. We look forward to bringing our new skill on our next visit to Italy.  Thank you Carlos.

Deborah Hasselmark

Carlos is a wonderful teacher and person. Starting with useful phrases and advancing to technical grammar, Carlos organized our lessons in a way that got me talking immediately. With time, my responses to his drills became more and more automatic and with each lesson I grew more and more comfortable speaking in Italian.

Not only were our lessons technically challenging and productive, but they were also a blast. Carlos and I routinely went off on tangents and told stories, all in Italian. It was a joy to chat with Carlos, who has no shortage of interesting things to say, and improve my language skills at the same time.

If you are looking for an Italian teacher who will get you speaking immediately and share Italian culture with you with each lesson, Carlos is your man. With consistent practice, you will see your language skills improve rapidly, you will have a great time learning, and you will make a lifelong friend.

Ceci McWilliams, 17

I am a homeschooling mother of seven beautiful sons. I reached out to Carlos in 2013, when seeking an Italian instructor for my (at the time) 7th grade homeschooler.  I had contacted numerous other teachers of both French and Italian and no one would agree to work with a 7th grader.  Carlos, joyfully accepted my oldest as a student and tutored him for 6 years.  He worked with my second son, as well and we will continue to turn to Carlos for our other children’s learning.  Carlos is a kind, intelligent and “simpatico” teacher who tailors his lessons to his learner — often creating his own materials — with quite astonishing results. He includes so many topics that would never be covered in a traditional setting. Every lesson is a joy and a leap forward!  I have been telling Carlos for many years that some day, it will be my turn to be his student!

Audra Kubelka

Audra Kubelka

Carlos is a wonderful tutor who loves teaching the beautiful Italian language to non-Italians.  I have worked with Carlos for three months to prepare for further language studies in Italy, and I learned so much!  He boils down Italian grammar into simple, straightforward rules that are easy to remember.  He is very positive, patient and encouraging with your progress, he customizes his lesson plans for the individual student’s needs and goals, and he is very diplomatic and non-intimidating when correcting your homework.  He teaches not only the language but also the customs, culture and colloquial expressions of Italy. 

Carlos is very well-educated, cultured, and a warm and kindly person:  molto intelligente, gentile e simpatico!  I recommend him without reservation as your tutor of the Italian language.  I think his private lessons are excellent value for the money.  I hired Carlos to get the lessons, and I also got a friend!

Cassie Stinson, JD

This summer I will be working as an au pair in Turin, Italy. When I initially took the job, I knew almost no Italian, and thought it would be a good idea to learn at least a bit before I went. I was worried that I would have barely any time to make headway, but after taking three weeks of lessons with Carlos almost daily, I feel able to have entire conversations quite comfortably! Carlos is an exceptional teacher. He is able to break down and explain the parts of the language clearly and concisely, and was able to quickly understand my particular leaning style and ability and adapt his lessons to maximize our time. His knowledge of the nuances of language is deep and his enthusiasm is infectious; I enjoyed every minute of our work together! I am endlessly grateful for all of the effort he put in to make it possible for me to learn everything I did. Patient, dedicated, and a lovely person – my only regret is that I couldn’t stay for longer!

Annie Farnsworth

I am a drawing instructor at TX State University and have been selected to teach the drawing component of a Summer Study Abroad Program in Florence. I knew I needed help getting an understanding of the language in a somewhat short chunk of time, and Carlos was immeasurably helpful. Carlos has a wonderful, intuitive teaching style that gracefully weaves in and out of grammatical and conversational skill sets. He is super generous with his handouts and printed material, which allow for thorough homework assignments and drills. Carlos is super capable of fine tuning his approach to students individual needs, which makes for a very productive course and smooth learning curve. I am here in Italy now, receiving kudos from taxi drivers, shopkeepers, baristas, and even another Italian teacher! I only studied with Carlos for 4 months and I improved greatly. I highly recommend his services. He is a great teacher, a fun conversationalist, and a very nice guy. I look forward to continue studying with him when I return.

Jules Buck Jones, TX State University

 I have studied other languages in a variety of settings: classrooms, self-study and small groups, but my private lessons with Carlos have been the most enjoyable and efficient method I have tried.  The lessons are always pleasant because Carlos provides a variety of methods to keep the lessons interesting.  As he is a native speaker of Italian, Carlos can explain difficult concepts and model pronunciation in a way that inspires confidence in the student. 
   One really striking aspect of the experience is Carlos’s skill in tailoring the material and approach to the needs and interests of the student.  Because of this, the grammar I learned took about half the time it would have if I had been in college.   He is always prepared with something interesting, provides recommendations for films and books and hosts a conversation salon that is welcoming and helpful for all students.  Carlos is friendly, personable and encouraging.  I recommend him as a teacher to anyone who wants to learn Italian.

Kathryn McIntyre, MD

Italian is such a beautiful language and Italy such a wondrous destination that for the past 20 years, I’d wanted to speak passable italian. I’d listened to tapes, self-studied a bit, and could use certain limited phrases, but couldn’t converse, and, more importantly, didn’t understand the grammatical rules governing the language. Fortunately, there was the opportunity to study with Carlos. Carlos is an exceptional teacher. He has condensed the rules of the italian language into digestible bites. He has a wide array of exercises that build on one another, so that one must integrate all aspects of the language into new concepts. He’s a master at adapting to the needs of each individual student. But really, the proof is in the outcome. After studying with Carlos for around 6 months, on our last trip to Italy, I received uniformly positive feedback from the Italians themselves. Carlos is an ideal teacher for students at all levels. 

Kathryn J Kotrla, MD

My husband and I have an apartment in Italy where we spend four months a year. Hence, we have been trying to learn to speak Italian for quite some time- we have taken informal courses at UT, weeklong courses in Rome, and we have used tapes, books, and various other programs. Nothing we have done compares to the personalized approach Carlos took with us. The progress we made in a couple of months is very encouraging. Carlos quickly assessed our skills and our weaknesses, and he provided a variety of platforms for practice. Carlos always takes notes of where we falter and then is ready at the next lesson to teach and practice that skill. Carlos is a superb teacher, and he has a knack for explaining difficult concepts in a way that is both understandable and memorable. The fact that he is a fluent English speaker and Italian speaker makes it easy for him to understand the idiosyncrasies of both languages, and he uses that understanding to make things clear for his students.  Time flies with Carlos. Yes, we review homework and the nuts of bolts of grammar, but more importantly, we have a lot of fun, enjoying  Italian conversation on topics that are interesting and relevant. We leave next week for spring in Italy, and we go with greater confidence as Italian speakers than before. We recommend Carlos as an excellent teacher without reservation! Plus, you will be happy to make a new friend!

Meg & Chris Phillips

My wife and I arranged to have lessons with Carlos during a February trip to visit our son in Austin.  We met in the charming confines of Caffè Medici in West Austin (excellent espresso though the staff did not seem to speak a word of Italian!).  Carlos quickly ascertained our level of competency in the language and how our time could best be used.  He then structured four 90-minute sessions that combined conversation with fortifying of key grammatical concepts.  He is clearly a gifted teacher and his enthusiasm for the language was palpable.  He went above and beyond in providing videos of Italian movies and other materials he thought we would enjoy after our sessions together ended.  If Carlos were Philadelphia-based, we could surely have a continuing learning relationship with him. In short I recommend Carlos to others without qualification. 

Don Kimelman - Philadelphia, PA

The thought of learning another language was a scary proposition for me. Add to those worries the fact that these lessons were going to be absolutely critical for a project I had begun for my place of business and that is the scene for the very first day of class with Professor Capra. Within 30 minutes of the first lesson those fears and worries started to disappear, not because I mustered up some form of courage but it was all due to the personalized approach of Carlos.   I was in a class of 4-6 people, all with different motivations for being there and all with different levels of how quickly or slowly they grasped the content. Professore had the unique ability to determine each individuals learning style and developed content that not only appealed to the entire group but he found ways to tie the lesson and overall content of that day directly to your style of learning. Being in an environment like that, one that made you feel comfortable being uncomfortable and one that allowed you to see success on a daily basis was something that I had never experienced in school or from any other learning environment I had been in before.   His approach and his commitment to you as an individual is something that I would recommend for anyone looking to learn another language. He makes it fun, he makes you challenge yourself and more importantly he is just as invested in your development as you are yourself. He’s become a friend and I would recommend his work to anyone or any corporation.  

PS: His work with me has provided me the opportunity to communicate effectively with very high level business men and women in Italy which has resulted into multi-year contracted business.      

Todd Fleming | Vice President & GM Legends Global Sales

I have been fortunate to have some great teachers in my life, school teachers, yoga teachers, teachers in meditation or skiing or music. Carlos Capra ranks among the best of them, in that his instruction of the Italian language goes beyond the technicalities, or grammar, but his presence inspires you to want to learn. His is patient, methodical but intuitive in his approach; he clearly has a lot of experience in that he can adjust his instruction to the level and background of the student.

I highly recommend him, you will learn Italian quickly and efficiently and have fun in the process.

Yves Oberlin

What makes a great language teacher? Profound knowledge, complete proficiency, great patience? All these are necessary, true. However, I believe the most important factor is a fondness for what you do. Carlos is both a maestro and amante of Italian. His love of Italian is contagious. You can’t help but catch it with every lesson.

I must confess that I’m a bit of a language aficionado myself. I speak Italian, French, and Spanish, as well as English. In total, I’ve studied with nearly a dozen instructors over more than a decade. Carlos has been the best, in any language. When we started several years ago, I’d never studied Italian before. Yet Carlos actually had me conversing within a week. If you are planning a trip to Italy and want to blend in with the locals, pay a visit to Carlos. He’ll have you chatting nearly from the get go. If you’ve studied Italian before, but lost your linguistic mojo, he can help make you fluent again. His private lessons are a really good value, considering the advantages. The one-on-one attention will enable you to progress much more quickly than in the typical group setting. Lo raccomando senza esitazione! Non ve ne pentirete mai!

Charles Lewis

What can I say about Carlos? He’s an amazing teacher. I’m currently studying abroad in Perugia, and to prepare, I worked with him for three months this summer. His lesson plans were personalized to my needs, and he taught me in a way that was very efficient and clear for a beginner. Not only were our lessons informative, but also they were fun. Carlos himself really helped me feel prepared for my trip, teaching me about the food, customs, and fashion. Now that I’m here, I feel confident enough to use my Italian when interacting with the locals. My Italian teacher in Italy even gave me compliments for coming so far in only three months. All credit goes to Carlos for being such a great teacher. Carlos really takes the time to help you understand and use this beautiful language. I highly recommend him! Thank you again!!

Ali Campion

We started working with Carlos to prepare for a return trip to Italy and couldn’t be more pleased with the result. Working once per week can be challenging for anyone, but he was always generous in giving us plenty of materials to study at home between lessons. He also gave us additional resources we could use to help our understanding. During our trip, our Italian friends were impressed by how much we had learned in such a short amount of time. A couple even commented on our use of proper grammar! I think this is one of the greatest compliments. Sure you can learn a language, but to speak it properly is a beautiful thing. We are grateful, Carlos!

Brandi Herdzina

I worked with Carlos for just three months and my communications skills improved dramatically. Carlos is both a great teacher and a fun person to learn a language with. I recommend him with great confidence to anyone looking to learn a new language.

Seve Garza

I’ve been working with Carlos for six months now, and I look forward to my lessons everyday. What really stands out to me about Carlos is that he aways goes the extra mile to help me learn Italian. He always is well-prepared and organized for each lesson, and even between our lessons he does a lot of planning to keep me progressing. He gives me new ideas and resources to learn Italian. Some lessons we will focus on grammar, whereas others we focus on Italian film and culture. It’s fantastic to have a teacher that loves what he teaches. He is passionate and keeps a well-rounded teaching method. Moreover, he is a very friendly and likable teacher. Every lesson is a true pleasure.

Ross Blake (Senior in high school)

We were heading to Tuscany with Lauren’s family for an extended stay and really wanted to be able to learn some simple phrases and social niceties. Carlos developed a custom curriculum that was tailored to the activities we were planning to spend our vacation on: ordering food at restaurants, shopping at the grocery store and open air markets, shopping for clothes and gifts, asking for directions and, of course, buying lots and lots of wine! Very soon after arriving we were the unofficial translators for our group and realized that the basics Carlos taught us were the perfect base to build on during our trip. Near the end we felt almost like locals as we shopped and ate our way through Tuscany. Thanks Carlos!!

Lauren Kleine & Chris Downey

I thoroughly enjoyed my Italian tutoring sessions with Carlos. He is an excellent teacher, tailoring his sessions to your learning speed and style. I was able to become fairly proficient with the present and the “passato prossimo” tense as well as enough vocabulary to feel comfortable going to Italy for 2 weeks in the span of 8 sessions. Carlos is also a wonderful person, and always a pleasure to be around. I definitely recommend him if you are planning a trip to Italy or want to pick up a beautiful new language. Molte grazie, Carlos.

Heather Falvo, M.D.

I have spoken Italian for years, but needed to clean up certain small but pesky blemishes attributable to both senescence and to cugini italiani who haven’t corrected me enough over the decades.  Carlos Capra was the ideal instructor for the job.  His lucid explanations, abundant examples, apt worksheets, ear for detail, and recommendations of outside texts and web sites helped me immensely.  Moreover, he has the patience of Buddha.  Prospective students, I doubt that you have a linguistic need he cannot meet. Grazie, Carlos.

Joanna Robinson, J.D.

I decided to work with a language tutor to prepare for my first visit to Italy. Although I possess certain useful life skills, learning a foreign language is not among them. Dr. Capra is the most patient teacher imaginable. He is very attuned to my needs and has even managed to convince me to speak Italian out loud with actual people (not just my dog, who never laughs at my pronunciation or my absurd way with pronouns). I would recommend Dr. Capra to anyone who would like to learn Italian!

Nancy P. Daley, PhD

Carlos Capra is a wonderful Italian teacher!  He combines deep idiomatic and grammatically sound knowledge of the language with fun exercises, readings, conversations, and coaching sessions.  In a recent trip to Italy, I was delighted to talk with (and understand!) so many people I interacted with.  What a joy to learn a language in Carlos’ supportive and encouraging classes.  If you want to learn Italian, Carlos è buonissimo!

Elota Patton, Communication Consultant and Coach.

Carlos is a terrific teacher who adapts on the fly to my state of mind in any given lesson.  Some days when I’ve been a “good student” and completed all my homework we focus on moving forward with grammar instruction targeting areas he’s observed that I need to strengthen.  Other days when my mood is less disciplined, we launch into pure conversation ranging from cheese making to complaining about politics…all while ensuring I don’t stray too far away from proper Italian.  Carlos makes the lessons varied, teaching with readings and film, pulling from a variety of grammar exercises and drawing upon his own original material from his years teaching at UT.  The sessions with Carlos move quickly and are great fun.

Jennifer Vickers

I have taken Italian classes with Dr. Capra for over two years. Over the course of these two years, Carlos has crafted an individual course of study for me, emphasizing conversational ability and experiential learning. Every week when I meet with Carlos he know exactly what topics to focus on to maximize the impact of the lesson, and is always ready to provide extra help.

It is clear to me that Carlos’ work is more than a job; it’s a vocation. He is so enthusiastic about Italian and culture that he often continues our lesson even after we have officially run out of time. In fact, after only a few months of study with Carlos,  I was able to take a trip to Italy where I could plainly gauge the progress I have made in reading, writing, and speaking ability.

I wholeheartedly recommend Carlos’ course to everyone interested in learning Italian, traveling to Italy, or anyone looking for a new venture

Carmen Berdion

An absolutely excellent teacher! A teacher myself, I learned so much from Carlos–and will be forever thankful! He is caring, insightful, passionate, and so very knowledgeable of anything Italian (not just the language, of which he is an expert of course, but food, opera, music in general, history, dialects, popular culture, current events…you name it!!)

Alis Manolescu

Carlos Capra is an excellent language teacher. Some of the qualities he brings to lessons:

-Command of the language.
-Adroitness in directing the learning process.
-Relaxed patience working at any skill level.
-Lucidity in explaining grammar.
-Organized lesson plans.
-Sense of humor.

I highly recommend Carlos as an Italian teacher/coach. He’s a gifted teacher who’s personable and patient, no matter what your skill level is.

Maimy Fong, pianist and voice coachpianist and vocal coach

I have been taking Italian lessons form Carlos for a year and a half. Previously, I took Italian at a university. I did well academically, but was frustrated about my ability to communicate. Carlos is the best teacher by far that I have come across, because he immediately sees your strengths and weaknesses and alters his approach accordingly. What he offers is far more than just someone to speak Italian with – you will learn Italian culture and are sure to improve your Italian. You don’t need to look any further for an instructor, Carlos is the best.

Yoshie Hasumi

Short of enrolling in one of Carlos’ classes at the University, this is the way to go. He’s very flexible in his style of teaching and builds on each concept learned. He mixes writing, speaking and listening so that the student becomes aware of how Italian “really” sounds. The student also has opportunities to see Italian films as well as casual conversation time. I DO recommend him to anyone wanting to learn Italian. If you’re planning a trip to Italy, give yourself a few months to learn. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Jane Furr Ginestra

I’ve taken many language classes, and Carlos’s classes (at UT Austin) rank at the very top. He’s got a great teaching style and cares very much about the success of his students. As long as you’re willing to do your part in the learning process, you’ll have a great time in his class. Learn from one of the best; you won’t regret it.

Yang Liu (Student at UT Austin)

I am thrilled to be taking Italian from Carlos. Where many teachers complicate the learning process, he brings simplicity to his teachings, making learning Italian a complete joy. He is patient, and thorough with each lesson. I have benefited greatly from my lessons with him. I recommend him to people of all levels of Italian study.

B.D. Watts, tenortenor